tddd2Real v1.0 -- Documentation ABSTRACT: tddd2Real converts 3d-object files from TDDD format to Real3D v2.47 format, preserving hierarchy and color information of the original object. The coordinates of the converted object can be scaled to values between 0 and 1 in order to achieve optimal precision and ease of use in Real3D. The TDDD file is scanned by routines from the TDDD-Lib package by Glenn Lewis which allows various conversions from Imagineīs TDDD format (TDDD-Lib is available separately on Aminet in gfx/3d). LEGAL: tddd2Real is FREEWARE by permission of Glenn Lewis; you can use and distribute it at no cost but not for profit. Please note that TDDD-Lib itself is SHAREWARE. If you find this program useful, please send me an E-mail to make me feel important... WARNING: This program is rather stable at this point, but is has only been tested on my computer. So be sure not to work on anything important while you try it out and better use RAM:, SD0: or a similar volatile data carrier during the conversion process. REQUIREMENTS: The program is written in ANSI-C and compiled with gcc v2.6.1 using the `-m68000` switch, so in theory all you need is the ixemul library (version 40.4 or higher) in your LIBS: directory. However, I was not able to test the program on any computer other than my A4000, so if you run into problems send me an E-mail and I will try to fix it. USAGE: The program should be started from CLI with `tddd2Real [-s(cale)] [-n(o_hierarchy)] ` (substitute a suiting filename for <...>). This will create a file "" in your current working directory which can be used by Real3D (v2.47 or higher). The two possible options are "-scale" ("-s" is enough) which suppresses autoscaling and "-no_hierarchy" ("-n" is enough) which instructs tddd2Real to save the TDDD object as one single Real3D TRISET, ignoring an existing hierarchy. PROS: The converted object is a so called TRISET Real3D primitive, which keeps file size, memory usage and rendering speed down in comparison to numerous triangle primitives. Furthermore you can ask Real3D to do a Phong shading with the object (by choosing the menu `Modify/Freeform/Type`) which will produce a smoother look in rendering. CONS: The converted object is a so called TRISET Real3D primitive, which means that only triangular modelled objects can be converted (no splines, spheres etc.). Additionally it can only have a uniform color due to a limitation of Real3D. This color will be taken from the original TDDD object, if possible. PROBLEMS: Are there any ? tddd2Real converts all of the objects on Aminet (in gfx/3dobj) correctly. Sometimes all subobjects get black as default color and you have to set the proper color manually but since I donīt own Imagine, I canīt tell if they are supposed to be black... HINTS: You can use `tddd2dxf` from TDDD-Lib and Realsoftīs DxfToRPL to convert your objects to separate triangles. As said before this type of conversion has its drawbacks, but it allows you to unleash Real3Dīs particle system on your object (Explode it, blow it away, etc.). CREDITS: Glenn "T3D" Lewis for his excellent TDDD-Lib. Without it, tddd2Real would not have been possible. AUTHOR: Alexander Vilbig, microbiologist and computer scientist in spe Send bug-reports, suggestions, etc. to